Live video stream of Council Meetings
Watch live streaming video from glotwp at livestream.com
If the video is offline, please check back during one of our Council Meetings. To find out when the next Council Meeting is, please see the Municipal Clerk’s section of our website. Council Meetings always begin at 7:30 PM EST.
Video Archive (Past Council Meetings Livestreams on our YouTube Channel)
Email Council A Question
Use this EGov Citizens Access form to email your questions to our Council members in order to have your question answered during a meeting. Please note your questions must be submitted prior to 12 noon the day of a council meeting to be promptly answered. All fields are required.
During a Council meeting, If an individual in the audience submits an EGov Citizens Access question, the submitter has the option of reading their EGov Citizens Access submission during their 5 minutes in the public portion of the meeting, or allowing Council President to read their EGov Citizens Access submission for them and it will count towards their 5 minutes allotted time during the public portion. If the submitter is not in the audience, the Council President will read and address their EGov Citizens Access submission as usual.
As part of CitizensAccess, all council meeting agendas will be available for public viewing online by the Friday prior to council meetings. GT InfoAgenda will allow residents to view all ordinances and resolutions four (4) days prior to council meetings, allowing more time for review and questions. The agenda can be downloaded from our website at this page.
Gloucester Township is going paperless at our public meetings. The GT EnviroInitiative will reduce costs and improve our environment by reducing paper agendas and replacing them with online copies. Each council member will be provided with a stationary laptop computer that will host the council agenda and all ordinances and resolutions. This will reduce the amount of paper used at each council meeting, thus reducing costs and providing a benefit for our environment. Gloucester Township is further saving money by partnering with the Black Horse Pike Regional School District who donated used laptop computers that otherwise would have been discarded.